Living the Zen
The Indian thought process, the UPANISHADS says, ‘All that you see does not exist in actuality. It is a kind of an optical illusion, a Maya. that you think you are seeing some real thing. And you will be surprised the quantum physics also says the same thing. The matter that you study, you describe and dissect, actually does not exist. Matter and energy, are two sides of the same coin. They are not two distinct, separate entities. From here you look you see a particle. right? From there you look, you see waves and no particle. So, there is no matter, distinct from energy. So, it’s all energy. A vast Omni potent energy the universal consciousness if you want to call sour divine or God, if you want to call so. right? So, there is this universal consciousness and we humans are, the individual consciousness. a small bit of that same material. Right? And in our country, in this land sir Arabindo and Sri matha of Aroville, Pondicherry lived their life just expressing th...