A Zen Story - Br.Ranga Nath Master

After plumvillageindia news of vesak 2022, the community practicing mindfulness near Mysore, is back to life. On the traditions of Thich Nhat Hanh with basics of nonviolance, compassion, (ahimsa and karuna) retreats have begun. This WordPress site is a practicing center, a true home away from home. A monastery as well as a short stay place. 

I wanted to make a cup of tea and write a blog article.

Just then the child ( my grand son, one and a half year old), started crying. He wanted me to take him to garden to play.

So, I abandoned my plans and took him to garden. He was happy watching butterfly.

The most important work is to make someone happy. The most important person is one who is close by.

Most important time to work is now.

(It is not blog readers or club members who are away and virtual.

It is not writing blogs.

It is not taking care of tomorrow at today's cost.)


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