After plumvillageindia news of vesak 2022

 After plumvillageindia news of vesak 2022, the community practicing mindfulness near Mysore, is back to life. On the traditions of Thich Nhat Hanh with basics of nonviolance, compassion, (ahimsa and karuna) retreats have begun. This WordPress site is a practicing center, a sweet home away from home.

Here we give an article by our senior zen teacher Ranga Nath master, on how to handle compulsive negative thoughts.


Question: How to avoid negative thoughts like suicide or offence.?

The first lesson is, you yourself will make all the thought waves in the mind and thoughts do not come from any outside source. You are just unaware of it.

The problem is ego. Not the mind as such. You have a small world, and you are the whole and sole occupant of it. So, it is always "me, myself, my desires, my wants, my suffering and my problems". There is no room for any one else there. This I call ego. This is the problem.

The real fact is you are one of the many residents of this world and you have to have some time for them.  You behave as if you are alone and a very important person. "No bad things, good things only" is your thinking. But this is unrealistic, does not work for you.

It is these mind waves taken too far, that drive a person to suicide. Right?

The problem is ego. It prevents you from seeing that you could be wrong. 

Wake up to all basic mistakes. Get introduced and influenced by  zen buddhist ways which are invaluable essentials for us to lead a calm composed life.  Wake up. 

Thanks, See you at Indiaplumvillage practice center. 

- Dr.Ranga Nath Mastar.




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